英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 10:25:03
  • 单语例句

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1. Steve is one of the " living food evangelists " who personalize the return to our true selves as far as dietary habits are concerned.

1. As far as a technical one is concerned, he prefers to read the English version.

2. Article 136 In the case of transport to be performed by various successive carriers, each carrier who accepts passengers, baggage or cargo shall be subject to the provisions of this Law, and shall be deemed to be one of the contracting parties to the contract of transport in so far as that part of the transport is concerned which is performed by it in accordance with the contract.

3. The regression analysis reveals that among the mental factors, intrinsic motivation, curricula efficacy, difficulty-coping efficacy and intrinsic attribution have significant influencing power. And the intrinsic motivation is the strongest one. As far as the knowledge background is concerned, the dramatic influencing factors are children`s mastery of calculation concept, formula, law and four-form-mixed calculation. The factors that contribute most to the shortcut calculation are concept, formula and law. As for the organismic variable, age and gender don`t influence the mathematics learning strategy significantly, which indicates the special traits of primary school students` learning strategy development compared with that of middle school students`. And the investigation about school types reveals that the interaction of school type and grade is crucial for the development of mathematics learning strategies.


4. As far as the homogeneous catalyst or nano catalyst developed quickly in the past decade is concerned, it is one of the main research topics to find the new procedure to separate and recycle them out of the reaction mixture in combination with their preparation.

5. They know that as far as the natural world is concerned, human society is merely one of the many processes of change.


6. Since most text documents are relatively unstructured (at least as far as machine interpretation is concerned), one common approach is to exploit what's already known about the general structure of documents and map this to some data model.

7. As far as a political party is concerned, one cannot separate party affairs from political affairs.


8. As far as China`s agriculture concerned, with global competition at trade of product of agriculture and resource redistribution within world wide, agriculture in China is needed to go out of our national boundary and inosculate with international world, and become the one important part of economic integration, as well as find its stand in international admeasurement.

9. V7 E: _*? - N U 47 No one can match us so far as quality is concerned.
J5 I:r!$ D' `就质量而言,没有任何厂家能和我们相比。

10. In view of the fact that the maps of the two sides are not fully identical in their representation of topographical features the two parties have agreed that the actual features on the ground shall prevail, so far as the location and alignment of the boundary described in section one is concerned, and that they will be determined as far as possible by bgint survey on the ground.

11. No one can match us so far as quality is concerned.

12. As far as the political history of world overseas Chinese is concerned, the one of Malaysian overseas Chinese is of typical importance.


13. Instead, due to the needs of criminal policy, theviolation of responsibility/culpability principle always presentsitself in realitv both in the process of the distributing punishment and in the imputing of culoability As far as the criminalimputiny culpability. responsibility theory in our country is concerned, its irrationality is far more distinct than the one ln toreign criminal theory.


14. As far as the copyright license is concerned, there are more than one method to deal with the contlradiction between efficiency and arst of license, which depend on the different characters of different works and different styles of license.

15. As far as time cost and accuracy are concerned, this criterion based on waveform discernment is superior to the traditional one based on the transmission line voltage amplitude sampled after breakers work and has been verified its exactness by dynamic emulation.

16. The machine's dynamics and the picture rendering are matched on an equal level of excellence: the former allows the One to solve with all the required tranquillity and easiness even the most demanding pieces, the battery's punch is flawless and the horns can enjoy all their required verve, neatness and tranquillity; as far as the picture is concerned, its depth (especially when supported, as in this case, by a quality recording) is wonderful, as is the respect of size, but even more astounding is its excellent airy quality and the distinction capacity of the various sound levels, and of the instruments'differences: they remain different from a distant hyper-realism, which would also be harmful to the pleasure of the listening.
Audia Flight One的活生感和舞台刻画能力相当绝伦卓越,在最复杂的乐段仍能从容地保持必要的透明感,punch感已经无从挑剔。喇叭表现出激昂的神韵,同时也保有乾净与透明感的音色。舞台刻画都可以呈现出绝佳的舞台深度,更令人讶异的是其绝伦的空气感和音场层次间清晰可辨的从容余裕与乐器间的音色差异。却不使音色过度白热化,对聆听乐趣打些折扣。

17. So far as I am personally concerned your proposal will be unhesitatingly accepted-but on one condition, and that is I must have my parent`s consent before I can give you a definite answer.


18. As far as the server is concerned, it has performed its duty to this one client and returns to the top of the loop to wait for the next client to come along.

19. As far as the practice is concerned, economic law arises from market failure, while the profound causes for market failure consist in the conflicts of human nature within the market domain. As for the legislation, economic law arises from civil law failure, while the real root of civil law failure rests with the fact that civil law can only one——sidedly reveal human nature when it pays at tention to the emancipation of human nature.

20. As far as I'm concerned, amending a plan is more difficult than making a new one.

So far as the present students are concerned, is it a good or bad thing to set English as one of the mandatory subjects for college students?(至于目前的学生而言,它是一个好事还是坏事设置英文为大学生强制性议题之一?)
Since your queue manager trusts the vendor's ca, the forged certificate and the legitimate one with the same DN are identical as far as the queue manager is concerned.(由于您的队列管理器信任该提供商的CA,就所涉及的队列管理器来说,具有相同dn的伪造证书和合法证书完全相同。)
They may be there forever as far as any one of us is concerned… and forever is a long, long time.(就我们任何一个人来说,它们也许会永远存在……永远是很长很长的时间。)
As far as a person of bad taste is concerned, life means seeking for physical incentives, of which money is usually counted as No. One.(就品味差的人而言,生活意味着寻找感观刺激,通常把钱摆在第一位。)
There is one more thing you should look at as far as PHP in concerned.(就php而言,还有一件事需要考虑。)
The only exception, really the only one, as far as I'm concerned, comes from someone, who is at least or maybe more famous than all above mentioned, Audrey Hepburn.(唯一的例外,我能想到的真正的唯一的例外,是至少和上述其他所有女人一样或者更加著名的---奥黛莉赫本。)
One can use the Requirements Elicitation Success Measurement checklist to identify where your project stands as far as the success of the requirements elicitation is concerned.(可以使用需求捕获列表来验证你的项目在需求捕获方面进展如何。)
As far as I am concerned, clearing objectives is the most important one.(就我而言,明确目标是最重要的因素。)
Among three kinds of binders, CMC should be the most proper one to produce formed activated carbon as far as engineering is concerned.(在所考察的几种粘接剂中,从工程角度考虑羧甲基纤维素是比较好的一种粘接剂。)
As far as the fund is concerned, "We are looking to spearhead a major shift in how resources are allocated to our generation, because no one from above is going to do it," he says.(就基金而言,“在将资源分配给我们这一代的重大转变中,我们希望充当先锋,因为之前还没人打算做这件事,”他强调道。)
as far as one is concerned是什么意思 as far as one is concerned在线翻译 as far as one is concerned什么意思 as far as one is concerned的意思 as far as one is concerned的翻译 as far as one is concerned的解释 as far as one is concerned的发音 as far as one is concerned的同义词